Is Your Character a Mary Sue? | Comments

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  • I got a 25% (let’s go!) and I was describing my one piece oc 🗣🔥🙏 Her name is Carmen, she’s 14, she was a stowaway, and is now being forced to clean up around the ship as punishment. I gave her a pretty sad yet graphic backstory, but I was worried that it would turn her into a

    Mary sue lol

    Carmen was born on February 7th, which in her (TOTALLY FICTIONAL. THIS RELIGION/CULT DOES NOT EXSIST!!) culture’s religion was a day of bad omens or death. She was seen as the devil’s little hellspawn, so she was instantly taken away to live in a convent (church) home. She had a somewhat normal childhood, besides being forced to read scriptures and attend temples, but it all came crashing down when she turned 10 and was allowed to attend more ‘mature’ sermons. Basically, she found out her religion was basically just a cult that did a ton of graphic messed up s---. Yippee. Anyways, she can’t see the convent the same anymore, so she goes to the pastor to ask him questions about the cult and why they do the things that they do, only for him to hurt her. (iykyk) she couldn’t take it anymore and ran away, hopping on the nearest ship possible

    Based on powers, she really doesn’t have any, all she can really do is like punch idk she is apart of the ‘coward trio’ (for non one piece fans it’s the only three characters who don’t have a special devil fruit or gear or haki) and tends to run or hide when faced with an enemy. She also is just your average teenager, so she doesn’t really care about her job and sometimes half-asses it, and can come across as lazy or greedy, often doing things for her own benefit or gain. She is a people pleaser, who sometimes is a doormat and lets people walk all over her. I personally think a 25% is perfect, but what do yall think?

  • 23%! Kira Kutsuki is my Bungou Stray Dogs oc. She's 13 years old and works in the Port Mafia (note: it is normal in canon for some minors to work at that organization because the Boss is a weirdo lol) She mostly does hacking and assasination missions. She was assigned to be Ryuunosuke Akutagawa's mentee (that's a canon character :3). She's in good terms with a lot of people in the Port Mafia, except for one or two people, but she doesn't get along well with people from another organization called the Armed Detective Agency 😓. Most characters in canon have an ability/power so she does too. It's called "A Thousand Mirrors" and it's basically just hyalokinesis, she can control glass however she wants. It's lame compared to canon character abilites.

    She's INTP and has undiagnosed autism. She messes up often when people don't give her crystal-clear instructions about something and she has trouble forming sentences. When she's on missions, she tries to be serious and mature, but she always ends up getting all nervous and scared, because she's just a child after all. She hates herself for it and wishes she wasn't a scaredy cat, because compared to another character of her same age (Kyuusaku Yumeno), she's lame and useless. Of course she doesn't know Yumeno went through one hell of a life to be like that.

    She has always lived with her parents and her little sister in Yokohama. She had a good home, with a computer in which she liked to practice OSINT sometimes. Her parents weren't the most loving people and neglected both her and her sister, but Kira was blind to that, so was her little sister Ayako. One seemingly average day, she went downstairs and there were her parents arguing. She watched them and tried to stop them but her mother, fed up, grabbed her hand and dragged her outside of the house because she "was being rude" and she told her to never come back. So Kira was basically kicked out of her home and didn't even get to say goodbye to Ayako, who was 6 at tha

    • Eugghhhhhh why did it cut off 😭😭😭 nvm im not writing the rest I'm too lazy to write it again

  • I got a 35% mary sue,
    I can see why,

    my character has so many ethnicity's and species because shes got a super big and royal family,

    her past is very, sad,

    but the good thing is that for every species I add I'll add even more weaknesses,

    i'm currently writing a book series called Wilted Roses and its a fanmade JJBA fanfic,

    if you wanna go check it out my wattpad account is Fnafkidfan0522 I have a Bruno Buccirati / Buccelati pfp and a peppa pig JJBA themed pfp to

  • Since all of yall did some character background stuff, i thought why not. Also my percentage is higher than all the comments ive seen, so i seriously worried. Okay, allow me to begin the story. Sorry if it gets too long.

    Okay, Lunaxa (dont ask, i suck at names) is part fox part human, and i based her age(preteen) and most of her attire and hair off of me. She has shoulder length hair, really dark purple that fades to magenta(pink and purple) at the bottom. She has a scar on her left eye, making her blind, and her other eye is dark purple with a pastel bright yellow pupil inside, star shaped. Okay it sounds like a Mary Sue already, i know.

    Basically she hurt one of her classmates in kindergarten and her father sent her to the insane asylum. Her mom had no say in it. Or not much. So in the asylum(i have no idea what its like), nothi g really happens in there except she got a scar. I havent really developed anything yet, so im not sure how that happened. She grew to hate her father. she spent 3 yrs inside there when her parents were killed by a demon slayer(no reference to kny), but no one really knew that. It was just a unsolved murder case. So since they did not have any consent to keep her inside, she was sent to some orphanage for weird kids, kinda like pegerines home for peculiar children or something. So she was lonely at first, she cried and the those tears became some shapeshifting star thingy that was alive and become her companion. Also i forgot to mention, she has transluscent ribbon like tentacles that can shapeshift too, but if they turn into wings, she cant fly or any of the sort. The orphanage was also a test lab (cliche) were theyvstuff you in those capsules with some chemicals. Bc of the scar, she got infected by that chemical which is why her blind eye keeps emitting some dark purple smoke and hurts a lot. She also gets a lot of nightmares of her mom bc she misses her. The orphanage is also where she met the other ocs. So one day, this kid i the or

    Orange WW
    • I have a feeling that i typed past the limit. Darn. If i did, then heres a continuation. So one day this kid in the orphanage who is nine years old and is part cat set the whole thing on fire bc she 'accidentally' knocked something down. Most of the lab ppl got infected by the unfinished serums they made, and they turned into mindless killing machines, forcing the orphans to fight back using their abnormalties. The surviving orphans(very few) are currently on the run from the lab company. The oldest is 23, legal age(i hope) to own a house. Lunaxa is bi, no love interest besides her star companion and rarely smiles, besides when someone makes a joke. She often speaks very fast and is very impatient. She hates misunderstandings. She has slightly above average knowledge but isnt super smart. Nothing of her physical apearance is exaggerated. She wields control over fire whereas the 23 yr old controls ice. Not original, ik.

      Orange WW
  • 49%...

    I expected higher being the main characters sister and way to overpowered( literally ) and such but wow

    Madie hedgecat
  • AYYY 12%!! I'm shocked ngl tho, but not so bad! She's a sleep doll that will only be awaken if you put seven rings in her left arm, and her whole backstory was thought of-

  • I got 20% but I'm confused as my character is the protagonist of an RPG; meaning that she's both a canon and an original character. lol

  • hmmm.. 24% not bad....I think it is 24% because of the overweight questions on the (human,40+,his/her age) My character is human and looks actually....older than her age

  • Are humans supposed to be Mary Sues bc I tested myself and got 26%.

    Orange WW
  • I used Lin she got 11 I thought it was more because of how she has powers and color changing eyes.....

  • I did this quiz with my first oc spider spartan got 15% huh

  • Lol My oc Mabel is 32 percent Mary Sue even though she's suicidal XD

  • My character is a violet blooded troll, slightly overweight, and has a LOT of flaws

  • Gotta agree with Killjoy rainbow below, sorry.

  • My main character is 23% a Mary Sue. I'm happy with her not being perfect, and not too plain either.

  • 13%

    ..I was expecting higher because of the whole tragic backstory thing.

  • WHAT ARE THESE QUESTIONS DUDE??? THERE COULD DEFINITELY BE SOME BETTER QUESTIONS HERE 😭😭😭 I MEAN IT LIKE, like brooo, "There could be some spice up" HUHH??? THERE COULD BE SOME BETTER QUESTIONS OR THE OPTION TO PUT IN BETWEEN ANSWERS, i swear i don't mean to be rude but WHY THE HELL ARE THERE ANSWERS WITH QUESTION MARKS and most are "yes" or "no" but never "maybe" or "sometimes" or "I'm not sure".

    ALSO, to make this fair I'll explain about my character and a little about the story.

    Yanni: boy in the last year of middle school, experiencing puberty, some changes in personality, he's a just a confused little fella

    In the story, he slowwwly realize he might be gay, so that makes him worried, but the main thing causing him trouble is bad grades. Oh and there's also his childhood friend that also went through some changes, but in a different way, which ended up causing Yanni a few "problems" yk

    But if you pay close attention, the reason why the character is so simple is because it's going through character development and there's not questions that i can put answers for it(literally)

  • Huh 12%! Pretty good for an otherworldly demon I say.

  • For Question 32: Does it count if its a mental disorder?

  • does the bad actions my Character does count even tho he has did and its his other personality doing that lol

  • i got 30% mary sue ovo
    so uh basically
    its name is ayumi
    and uh

    the backstory is a bit embarrassing and cringe waa

    so uh
    [only listing DrAmAtIc parts cuz yes]
    -shes some kind of- g l i t c h lmao
    -she was "made" in a lab (oh no the cringe)
    -she saw her stepparents d i e mUaHaHa
    -got put into lab again for like 7 years oof
    -e s c a p e s
    -finds friend lol
    -[time for extreme cringe]
    -a h e m

    -her "bestie" leaves her and she tries to find her

    -oop rip she gets shot by some lab guy from (obviously) the lab

    -epic revive cuz she be glitchy
    i have nothing more yet

  • 16%. Could use some spicing up. Shes a literal couch potato what do you expect

  • 19% That is good since He is a shiftier and is never seen by the main characters till he is thrown in another AU and he almost dies.

  • My god, I tried to answer the questions to create the perfect Mary Sue of all times, but I suppose it didn' t work. Only a 69%, I'm kinda dissapointed :(

    Buuuut in the second round (and with a real character) I get 22%, which is actually good for me. Of course I'm gonna smooth some things. Maybe it's enough with being under 15%. Otherwise, your character would be a pain in the arse.

  • 11% for one character of mine. I kind of expected more because in my opinion she's EXTREMELY beautiful, but a lot of other people don't have my sense of beauty. XD

    Pony Plorta

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