Is Your Character a Mary Sue? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Is Your Character a Mary Sue?
i feel a bit to old for this quiz and was kinda just playing it bc why the hell not, but i got a 20%! my oc is a 14-16 as the story continues year old girl named aviv goldhirsch and is the protagonist of pinechester detective agency (pcda), an original story. generally, she tries to be normal, but there are a few things about her that stand out: most notably her yellow eyes (not a big angsty thing just the center of some jokes & comments). this is because she can see ghosts. is this a thing she wants? no. ghosts suck. theyre annoying. one day, she basically gets stolen from her parents and is brought to the seemingly uninhabited town of pinechester, vt, to work at a weird detective shop upstairs from a small cafe that appears to be the only business in town, and always has exactly what the person who shows up wants on the specials menu. what she finds there when she goes over is more interesting: ghosts. pinechester isnt uninhabited, its whats called a ghost town, towns scattered across the world as refuges for wandering spirits. in this job, she solves various mysteries involving customers at the shop with the help of the mysterious owner raven and her pet talking cat, all the while being stalking by cecily mairin and laura brooke, two immortals who have been watching the earth for a while. the issue is that not only is laura almost done with her shift in spectatorship and only a year away from leaving to return to her previous career as an interdimensionally known pop star, but she has received her first job in a while: keeping an eye on a girl with yellow eyes who can see ghosts and reporting if she dies. which brings us to the other issue: though cecily has figured out whats up with laura, laura has no idea that cecily is immortal, or the center of various old folk tales she has been told over her lifetime regarding the girl in a dark red coat who apparently killed a prince ruling over one of the two nameless worlds (what they are is clarified later) and nev
(ooo s--- theres a character limit) and never was found by the people laura works for, having been assumed to have fled to another world. laura never realizing that cecily is immortal might seem like a plot hole, but you have to recognize that laura is really, really dumb and never actually decoded human lifespans.
i didnt expect to have to answer yes to as many of these questions as i did. i do project bits of myself onto aviv (we have the same ethnicity which shows in our appearances, a similar fashion sense, some of the same major interests such as music, like a lot of other characters in my story shes coded as autistic, and shes a bit younger than me when the story kicks off but in general were around the same age), but our personalities are very different, and i dont try to make her perfect, excessively normal, or excessively abnormal. a mary sue is a trope often found in fanfiction generally written by neurodivergent normally afab kids from 11-13 trying to figure themselves out and expressing what they want in their lives through media they fixate on. ive written mary sues too. most notably a literal interdimensional traveler who managed to force herself into the world of saiki kusuo no psi nan and i think i gave a comphet crush on kaidou although i was a gayass 11 year old and didnt actually feel anything i was writing. it was part of how i coped with trauma i had experienced and expressed the way my mind works as an autistic person and i think i gave up and gave her a female best friend eventually. aviv isnt that. mary sues are not unnatural or to be shamed, but the only real symptoms of us being the same is her being the center of like 3 prophecies about the girl with the golden eyes who can see the unseen, her having yellow eyes, and us looking slightly similar bc though im not a person of color, i am a member of a marginalized ethnic group i rarely see properly represented in media. though my current name isnt a. real name (its the same as my username, s
nel1 -
somehow it wasnt taken) my deadname is very ethnic and has an apostrophe in it. anyways my story lasts like 6 arcs and what i was describing was just the first one. here are some comments i have for the quiz:
- 1 - 3 is the lowest answer in the how many characters fall in love with your character question. my story does have romance in it, but i feel like not every story needs to. what if no characters fall in love with your character, because the story isnt about romance? thats fine too.
- i dont think mary sues are to be shamed, but honestly, getting a low result isnt a bad thing. making your character cooler isnt spicing them up, spicing them up is giving them a personality. what i like about the characters i get invested in is that they have personalities. its hard to decode whether or not a character has a personality from a quiz like this, you kinda just have to listen to the person talk about their character.
- i guess this is true in general since fan characters and oc x canon are often written by younger fans who tend to right mary sues but its hard to get a higher result if your character isnt a fan character. i havent made a quiz on here so idk, but is there a way to make an option that doesnt affect your result? if so, not a fan character should be one of them.
- r*tarded is actually a slur towards autistic people and telling people who are probably pretty young and have been raised in cultures where these terms are constantly used isnt going to stop them from using them isnt going to automatically make them not ableist, but just keep that in mind, okay?
anyways that was a fun quiz! even though i really like how my character is written, it made me think about her through a different lense and its been fun to read through the other people on heres descriptions of their characters. thanks! :)
also why does this old ass quiz website hate apostrophes lol
um my oc is just nice avrage dude no issues or anything ((he is broke but that's about it)) just a nice gay guy with some chill friends
I got 16% My Oc Is kinda humen though she has bunny ears. She is 21 years old and she mostly only sleeps and makes gacha videos
yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 15% lets gooooooooo
my oc is named Hawthorne! i often refer to him as Gemini subconsciously because he's kinda like... two... people?
he's a happy-go-lucky, sarcastic, robot-obsessed anthropomorphic bobcat in an anthro feline/vulpine/canine world!! he lives in a dirty lower-class suburban neighborhood near a lake with his mums. He used to have a sister? but something convoluted happened on a frozen lake, causing her to "die," and Hawthorne still really hasn't recovered since. (his sister had blonde hair, so he bleaches his hair, but it looks more grey than blonde)
after a while of homeschooling, his mumsies encourage him to go back to school! he reluctantly agrees, but decides to get lost in the nearby forest instead because he's quirky like that
after a while of wandering through the woods, he finds a disassembled android girl (whos totally not miku whos miku hdgjfgekj) lying on the forest floor. he pops off and decides to 'fix' her!! after a while of tinkering with her, she regains consciousness and immediately tries to run away from him. but, she do be a robot doe, so she's not very fast, so hawthorne the scrawny ass b---- can catch up to her!
b----ass android girl (aka minako) tries to explain as well as she could that (she's a ______ for some _________) but she has that weird ass robot voice so hawthornes like "brug" and reboots her!!! she forgets everything about being a ______ but the company is still using her eyes for analysis! some more characters appear along the story, like (delica, mysterious little ghost girl) and (sterling, sports and science enthusiast). i have a whole story and pilot in the works,, so i don't wanna spoil the entire story until i finish my animation courses. but its so cool that i get to share some crap!!!
if you'd like to know how they look, then you can check out my deviantart @appltun!
pisskink0 -
My new OC is Jake he a dark past with his father a lot of people hate him because of his power. He is 24% Gary Stu.
I feel like you might need to elaborate more.. and, if he just has a dark past and nothing else defining, I think he's fine. But if his powers are pretty strong and he doesn't have too many things to back him down, he may be a Gary Sue. He seems fine, though.
I never new that a space cat muderer would get a 15%
15% oh crap what a relief. I was panicking so hard taking this test.
Aight, I got pretty offended by you calling retarded a disability.
Thats kinda disrespectful ya know? For someone who has things that could be in that group.
And also, one or more of those questions were not about my character, but about my relationship to that character-
I tested almost all my ocs, all of them are in the 10% to 20% range! Glad to hear that my ocs aren't mary sues but aren't super boring either
Yay! The only real thing mary-sue about her is the fact that she is well, from hell. Oh! And the fact that she's an albino
I got 23% too. I think that's fair. I wouldn't want to watch someone that's too plain or too perfect.
10 percent marysue for my creepypasta oc wolf, not bad. ill defiantly edit her! :D thanks! instagram: Perfect.imperfecti0 n ^u^ thanks
huh. I thought it would have been higher due to situation.......Not that I'm complaining.
I got 19%, which is really good, considering she sort of is me. I guess I do good with her faults?
9% a mary sue!
I like her this way... I don't really want to spice her up... this way she's actually tolerable... oh well I'm glad she's not a sue :)
10%!! Just a gay dragon genius
pisskink1 -
Hm...interesting. For fun, I tried this with an existing character, Alice Yabusame from YTTD. I did not expect him to get a 15%.
13% for Skulla, the one about everyone wanting to have sex with her was kinda tricky since she's a p*rn actress
17% it makes sense, since she is a psychopath that went insane at the age of ten do to a demon possessing her :0
Sounds interesting... Nice username btw
My older sister is a 23% sue.
14%...but she already is super pretty...I don't think I need to spice her up, I like her this way.
I was expecting higher because of the prophecy, and her powers, and she has no mom, but she's fine this way :)
Your character is 29% a Mary Sue!
Mary Sue, there's a word for people like you. -
My new OC name is Petty the soldier gal. She had a dark past withe her parents.
I have a 2 percent, what does that mean?
Rixel01 -
President Donald J. Trump is a 19% Mary Sue. Huh. The more ya know.