Is Your Character a Mary Sue? | Comments

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  • How the hell did this only get 40% Mary Sue? I tested on my childhood OC who was literally the mean girl and had all the powers and everybody loved her even if she was a total b----.

    1TZ M3HH
  • I posted a comment earlier about my character Squirrel (my babyyy) but Id like to comment again about my Warriors oc Mousetail. I got 23% again! Listen its great and all, but this quiz assumes a lot that our character is human. Yes the rules bend for her, she is a queen-but she has no kits and she hangs out in the nursery Ferncloud did that, Daisy did that, why not Mousetail? She only wanted to hang out there because she wanted to help new queens with their first litter after hers died before she came to the clans. Also, again, the quiz uses the r slur and slurs are not good

  • Most of my characters except for one got a 10-25%. The one that got like 50% is literally in a universe that my friend and I made to see who, out of a bunch of completely OP characters, would come out on top in an all-out war. So yay!

    Juniper R
  • My Stranger Things OC is meant to bs Dustin's older sister who's very overprotective and likes to call him "feather duster". She's only 20% mary sue •ω•

  • 16%. Probably 'cause my character, despite having power over fear, is absolutely brutal in combat and a) regrets it and b) gets a lot of hate from other characters about it (as in, [no urls] kind of hate)

  • my oc is extremely complex to the point i found it hard to properly answer some questions LOL, got a 15%, not too bad for her. she's definitely overpowered but for a reason + the universe i have her in has become a world of my own in my mind, since the game devs suck ass (racism), she's a branch off of several other ocs that used to be MAJOR mary sues, since i was in fact like 6-7 yrs old i didn't know how to really write ocs that well, this was a fun test to take for sure though! :)

  • 17%! Wow, i actually expected it to be higher. Especially at my age- (11). I used an oc of a world i created on my own, her name is Nyrix (16 y/o). I was inspired by the song candle queen by GHOST. So basically, its like a country that has four kingdoms: Akyo, Fimuney, Deyx and Zenu. All have different powers. If you were born in Akyo, you can control the wind. If you're from Fimuney, you can control fire. Deyx: Plants and Zenu: Water. The royals of the four kingdoms get to have another power. Nyrix is the Queen of Fimuney, she has fire powers and plant powers. When she was born, her mom fell into a coma, wich put her dad into a deep depression. After 6 years, the mom died in the coma. The dad had a breakdown and blamed Nyrix for putting her in a coma. He tried killing her, and managed to rip out her eye. After that he hanged himself. When Royals die, they're usually consumed by their powers, since they're that strong. So when Nyrix' eye was ripped out, a part of her brain took this as dying and made thorns grow out of her eyepit, on her arms and legs. Nyrix was the queen of Fimuney from that day on, since she didn't have any more relatives. Nyrix became a very harsh and cold queen, because she didn't want anyone to think that Fimuney was weak. Everyone that made a tiny mistake was killed. And anyone that was against that way of ruling, was also killed. Simple. Once the prince of Akyo visited Nyrix, and they played around with their powers. Xay (Akyo prince) took Nyrix on a ride with his power, and they accidentally universe-traveled. They were now in our world in the year 2016. They collected money by shows of their powers. Xay accidentally found out about the thorns in Nyrix skin, and they found a way to remove them (still need to think of one oop-) They universe-traveled back, and since the time in the kingdoms works different, they were away for 5 years, even tho it was just 2 weeks. Fimuney was so angry at their queen for just leaving them, that they eventually

    • * that they eventually killed her. Since they didn't have a queen or king anymore, Fimuney died. Since Fimuney was dead, the other kingdoms also died. The end

    • So sad they all died :'(

      Damien Williams
  • I got 15% "Characters at this level could probably use some spicing up without any damage. Go ahead and make her a little prettier!"

    Girl but... my character is hella pretty, she just doens't have the tragic innecesary past and even tho she has magic and is a warrior princess I want to make her relatable for the non-existing reader, but I like the result, it means she could pass as a normal teen as I intented and not an over the top mary sue

  • My OC is Nishihara Lee he is basically a Nigh Omnipotent God he is basically has access to All abilities even OP abilities he is can create or remove abilities he can create Outerverse or Destroy it with ease he can never be defeated unless his Opponent is Ultipotent, Omnipotent and Metapotent he is a god floating outside of Multiverse and being lazy sometimes he goes to earth so he can relax and have nice view and also he uses Multiversal Buster Character for training He has all the ability and it's called "Complete Arsenal" basically you have all the Powers with Complete Arsenal you can also create Powers or Destroys so yeah My Character is close to being Omnipotent Being.

    Nishihara Lee
    • By the way he has weakness
      1. Waifus
      2. Maths

      Nishihara Lee
  • mine is 20% mary sue

    my oc is someone named rin yamada. they are trans, ftm, and bi. their pronouns are they/he. they like sleeping, video games, hanging with his bestie, friday night funkin, boba, vr, stardew valley, sebastian from sv, and drawing. he has an updo with a portion of his hair covering his left eye. they have a little bit of hair sticking out the back as like a mullet kind of. they like wearing grungecore clothes and listening to mindless self indulgence. they have a pet frog named ito. they have a bad habit of biting his nails. he is currently dating their friend, aoi yakizawa, as recently they found out aoi had a crush on him, and rin liked aoi back. they cant meet up irl, so they videocall everyday. they even had a mini virtual wedding.

    • Why can't they meet up irl? :( That's so sad

      Damien Williams
  • My OC is 10% mary sue according to this test but can you make any for object heads or humanoids and the game they are supposed to be in is cuphead and his 4 abilities are portals he can only fit his arms in that can be anywhere they want them to be, time reverse only for 10 seconds (max strength and energy use which is very rare is 1 min) making objects out of static which fades in 1 hour unless it is food because they eat it and it stays until it the nature digestion has finished, freezing people with static for 10 seconds, is that OP? they just average body and not that fit, their story is a bit tragic but are they a mary sue? do I need to weaken their abilities? in the casino their one of dice's lackeys so I tried to make them the same amount and as powerful as the rest of them. They only have 3 friends and aren't that misunderstood and people do dislike them and they dislike people, they take insults and stuff well and the universe doesn't bend to their will, Is my OC a mary sue?

  • 15% mary sue. The only reason I felt I earned this score for my OC is that I took the time to develop his story and character.

  • 15%...ok. My OC had a rough past with her father, cause hes a sociopath that murdered her mom and sister in front of her, she managed to barley get away. Sooo...yeah I guess thats accurate

  • I got 15%

    I was not expecting that, because I thought my character was a little Mary Sue-ish and she is also the older sister of a cannon character from HxH

  • In reality I have two differing eyes, so that one question doesn't count. Oh, and also, I got 2% Mary-Sue. Only took a minute until my OC was imperfect.

  • i got 5%!! i used my oc shimazu rui for this :3c shes based off of monopoisoner by deco*27, shes 25 + shes a human w black hair and green eyes (she also has slit pupils sort of like a snake, i added it cuz it plays into the title of the song shes based off of w the poison/venom type theme) uhh her outfit is. extremely revealing but thats just cuz shes that kinda person tends to use pet names + flirt w others :3 im sorta bad at vague descriptions of my chrs but shes rlly silly + she has a twin brother named yuki to go w the song delusion tax cuz its related to the one shes based off of n its just a bunch of fun doing stuff like this,,,,, i havent fully planned the story yet but im workin on it

    • if anyone wants extra details pls ask me i love talking abt them

  • The OC I used for this quiz is an android who time traveled from a few years from the future. She was defective and ran away. If youwant more info, check out the comic called Akukx-1247/Astoria on

  • The character I used for this is name Ble koudoni, (means Blue bell in Greek :D) shes an mlp character, her character isnt all that interesting. So she got a 19% mary sue, time to do another mlp oc!

  • I got 13%!! (Yay!!) the character i used was one called Harrkell. He has natural ginger hair and dark brown eyes (he also is very slim but has a history of undernourishment). He is a teenager and lives in another universe from our own. Though he wasnt raised by his parent he was raised by his older sister and later also his adopted brother (both were killed in a war which is a huge reason for his motivation). He doesnt have any powers though does have adhd (this isnt directly told in the story but he does express symptoms). He is a theif and lives with his (living) younger sister. Though he is flirtatious (and cocky) he doesnt get a love intrest. Also he is extremely scared of bugs. He doesnt have powers (though there is magic in my world). Any ideas to spice him up (or if I shouldnt).

    Not a fish
  • so uh- I have an OC named "Madeline" that is a magical girl. (In her universe, she's a magia girl" and i can tell you that she's a bit cringy, she like me but more different. i wish i had the ability to show an image of what she looks like but nope. sorry.

  • I was using hp to see if he is a Gary stu. Answer not bothered about BUT. In the quiz you said Retarded. Which is an abelist slur. Please remove it. It personally made me uncomfortable as a disabled person that has been called retarded before.

  • Apologise for the grammar erros in advance, i just dont care

    I got 24%

    My sweet child, Mikios was a part of an experiment in the bnha universe, basicly he was a mix of nezu and hawks back story. he was borm with a slight mutation that gve him a tail and clawed feet.His parents, being discriminate a--holes, didnt want him, and gave him up the goverment. He was then trained and experimented on when the secondary part of his quirk developed when he was five. he has the abilties to manipuate shadows, and become one. Great. Now he has the doctors cutting him up, and making him fight these other kids. He is kept in check with electric colors and a small cabnit which would later make him claustraphobic and hate anything around his neck. Flash foward he is eleven, the heroes found out about the fcility and he is ou o there. The hero who saved him was calld Rising Hope. She was adopted him, and he now is in theapy and has an older sis named Janey. He can speak because in a ccident he tore his vocal chords, buts fine now, Janey has been teaching him JsL and he is much happier, and is currentlylooking into finding a school.

  • i got 24% for my oc, lowkey thought it'd be higher :") but uhh anyways heres my oc because everyone is is explaining theirs!!! also, sorry if i did any grammatical errors or punctuation errors, i swear i'm not a cringey 10 year old.

    so, my chracters name is mei muzushima and you can probably tell by the name she is japanese. please don't judge me, i'm australian-japanese and i'm not some weeaboo. anyways, she is a bisexual girl just trying to get through life with a massive need to control everything. like, this girl plans out everything in her life and if it doesn't go to plan she has a full on panic attack and a breakdown. she developed this because her and her mother (single parent, babey!!) moved alot and that caused her to crave that little drop of stability and comfort. she has really nice, long, elbow length black hair and has pretty plain black eyes (i think i modelled this after yumeko jabami, i have a crush on that woman please be nice to me). she also uses alot of jokes to hide her pain and even though she went through alot of s---, she is really positive and tries to romanticise her life and tries to think it's all a ghibli movie.

    onto her powers !! since i'm a teen, i have to add this, please don't hate me. girl basically has water bending, period. downside is that literally every night she has to plug herself with a iv to hydrate herself because even though she is only controlling water, it still is really taxing on her body and if she uses it too much, girl is f---ed.

    she is part of the military because she wanted to make her workaholic mother proud (even if she wanted to become a fashion designer.) and she puts alot of other peoples emotions above her own.

    ok, this is getting long. and if you've read through this, thank you and if you are going to reply, please give me any tips. i'm really new to the writing scene and i wanna learn how to write better.

  • I definitely expected a low number, considering he's just a corporate higher-up with a sick sense of justice, so 17% wasn't too much of a surprise.

  • So I got 23% for both of my characters. One of them I think is kinda Mary Sue and I'm working on that. So here they are: Mim is an orphan who lives with her aunt and cousin. She's a petite little thing due to her family trying to lie low and stay off the radar, so she never really gets a chance to get super healthy foods. Now onto her story: in a world where witches are brutally murdered, poor little Mim must keep her powers a secret from the government. She entertains herself by writing and never really learns to use her powers (she learns how to heal and create, but that's it. She learns how to create small barriers later but that's about it). Her aunt goes missing one night while looking for medicine for the cousin, whom had fallen ill. Mim is left with no other choice than try to care for the cousin. The cousin kills himself, leaving Mim to fend for herself. She flees with only two possessions; a wand and a Sunflower she found in her aunt's study. She meets a solider from the army called Thalia, whom produces pink fire and absolutely hates everything. They team up when Thalia finds out that Mim is a witch, assuming she's really powerful. Mim's personality is super quiet and she just kinda sits and waits before taking action. The girls meet Prince Vesper, whom has run away due to not wanting to run the kingdom upon his mother's murder. Vesper doesn't like either of them, but Thalia literally kidnaps him because she was one of the royal guards and swore to protect him, meaning that Vesper could just kill her if he wanted to. Well, Vesper eventually starts to warm up, as does Mim, she becomes extremely naive and likeable. Vesper is like an older brother to her and they all become some sort of misfit sibling family. Vesper eventually tells them that he can talk to ghosts and two ghosts in particular, Jazzy and Bronwyn, have been stalking the trio. Bronwyn is very psychotic and just really doesn't like Mim. There's a whole bunch more but I have to get onto the second


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