Foodie Quiz: How Much of a Foodie Are You? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Foodie Quiz: How Much of a Foodie Are You?
I got 9% I don’t really care about food I took this for fun
What is a foodie? I got 13% but I love food! I always try new things, and I always go grocery shopping to try new things. I go to new restaurants, and try food from different cultures. So can someone please tell me what a foodie is? If it's someone who likes food, then this quiz is completely off.
You Are 40% Foodie! 40%
You've got a little foodie in you, but you're not a true epicurean. Bravo for stepping outside your comfort zone sometimes and experimenting, though!
Honestly, I don't like eating that much.
LOL! I'm not a foodie, honestly... I don't care, the only thing I care about is if it's safe, if it is under a certain amount of calories, and if it will make my tounge die of disgustingness... are foodies/anti-foodie s fat, because I'm the only skinny person in my family and my fat cousin wants to be a chef but my fat dad doesn't think much about it.
TeaganV1 -
Eleven percent,so true I hate most food I'm one of the most picket eaters and honestly I hate eating most of the time anyway I wish we could live without food usually. Cool quiz anyways mate.
Zimswife1 -
I got 67% foodie. I guess my mom raised me with amazing food (she's an amazing cook even though she's never been to culinary school before) so I became almost 7/10 foodie from her without even thinking about it or being a great cook myself :P
Sports191 -
You are quite a foodie, and can cook a meal for me any time! You're a whiz in the kitchen and a discerning consumer in the food market. You are knowledgeable but not obnoxious.
keznya1 -
I stepped outside my "comfort zone". Didn't like it.
I got Foodie 44%!!! I am all about food!! I should be 99% but the only reason why i HAVE A LITTLE is because i cant afford xpensiive f---in food!! My entire life, none of my parents give a f*** about spices, food, how to cook, how to get fresh stuff, i was the only one to be interested in it out of alot of siblings, and i give myself a pat on the back for that. =)
Emberscatsootie: HAA!...Well, it depends on HOW far out of the zone! Um, I was a 91, but you DEFINITELY won't catch me trying "Rocky Mountain Oysters"!!!!!! (Bull Testicles)...But I DO enjoy watching a certain chef indulge on re-runs of "Bizarre Food". ;D
This screams spoiled 1%.
MrCyrus3 -
I'm a certified Chef and I only got 73%.
Can't say I care about food fashions. I make my own food, fresh, and everyone loves it.
I thought I would have scored higher than 93% considering I'm a restaurant critic and private chef.
I thought I would have scored higher than 93% considering I'm a restaurant critic and private chef.
@briarofnighthale A foodie is someone who really likes food and cares about what they eat.
@Amberpelt I did too! Food buddies!
I'm bot a foodie but my dad definitely is
Cats171 -
You Are 64% Foodie! 64%
Well, you are more than half foodie. You know what you like and you are willing to explore, to find new flavors. But you are not a hardcore foodie. You don't go overboard.
true i like to eat and cook but it's not my life
I got 69% percent, so Im quite a foodie!
Fab quiz
Partial foodie :D
You Are 91% Foodie!
Hahaha wow, I don't even like eating. I just love cooking. xD;
This was fun! :3
You Are 53% Foodie!
Yeah, maybe -
I got 9% I don’t really care about food I took this for fun
Whyddot1 -
yea yea i'm only 9%
I got 44% foodie. Okay den :3
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