Sports19's Profile

Joined on Aug 8, 2012
Status Level: Advanced
Sports19's Quizzes
- Pay no attention to this quiz[published: Nov 19, 2012, 3 comments]
- Stupid random quiz[published: Oct 07, 2012, 3 comments]
You don't have to pay attention to what this quiz says. I'm just trying to level up. ¡Hola! ¡Dios mios! ¡No……
- Super Random Quiz[published: Oct 03, 2012]
Hi!! Well im just trying to level up so if you take this then awesome, thankyou, but you dont have to if you……
- How well do you know the yankess?[published: Sep 17, 2012]
Baseball is americas favorite pass time. When it had first started, it was much different than……
- Could we be friends?[published: Sep 16, 2012, 7 comments]
A friend is someone who is always there for you. Someone who you have common likes and dislikes with, and……
- how well do you know me?[published: Sep 05, 2012, 4 comments]
how well do you know me?? take this quiz to find out. if were friends on here, it should be somewhat-……
- Which Hunger Games character are you?[published: Aug 14, 2012, 18 comments]
this quiz is about the hunger games trilogy book 1: the hunger games. so, if you've read……
- Are you directioner?[published: Aug 08, 2012, 3 comments]
Love One Direction? Want to know if you are a true directioner? Well, then this is the right quiz for you.……
Sports19's Recent Posts
"I really wish I didn't feel emotions for this friend. I seriously do not want to feel them. They suck ass. I like being friends. I do..."
"Ain't that a B with an itch? Ain't that a mother trucker You can go to h e double hockey sticks and f yourself 'Cause I"
"Electric blue"
"One man may seem incompetent Another not make sense While others look like quite a waste Of company expense "
"Brotherhood of Man by the cast of How to Succeed"
"Newsies Guys And Dolls Now You See Me Harry Potter San Andreas"
"I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing Just prayed to a God that I don't believe in 'Cause I got time while she got freedom"
"12 or 13"
"1. I am a complete f---ing nerd. 2. I'm athiest 3. I really want a bearded dragon but I can't get one until I move out and get"
"A deep, dark pink"
"Breakeven by The Script has been stuck in my head all day"
"Never heard of it? Newsies"
Sports19's Recent Quiz Comments
"Wtf I hate 12 year old me"
1 -
"Lol I made this when I was like twelve and let's just say I would NOT be friends with twelve year old me "
1 -
"You mean Racetrack Higgins, not Racetrack Race lol. But yeah Racetrack is pretty friggin rad and he actually is my favorite so lol"
1 -
"This quiz is such a joke X'D
Great concept, but terrible questions and a LOT of spelling errors"
1 -
"... These questions are insanely easy. A 5th grader could answer them correctly. BTW, I got 94%, but the only question I got wrong was what…"
3 replies4 -
"Haha the options for how many books I've read only goes up to 60+? I've probably read about 160+ lol"
1 -
"So Ravenclaw and Slytherin tied with 82%.I always knew I was a ravenclaw, but I never suspected Slytherin. I would MUCH rather be in the…"
1 -
"I got Frank... Literally me though"
1 -
"OK I took this like 3 times and changed my answers to ones I was on the verge about and I literally got Gus all three times like it's fate…"
0 -
"This is a terrible quiz, for one reason: it only demonstrates one type of nerd. There are many nerd types, not just gaming/ super hero…"