Razzberries's Profile

Joined on May 2, 2023
Status Level: Junior
Razzberries's Quizzes
- Whats your season?[published: Dec 30, 2023]
If you’re wondering what I mean by “your season”, I’m about to explain! In this quiz, I’ll ask questions to……
- What does your birth month say about you?[published: Dec 28, 2023, 5 comments]
What does the month you were born in say about you? That’s the question we’re going to……
- Whats your personality type? (A, B, C, D)[published: Nov 24, 2023, 1 comment]
You’re the only person that knows your personality inside out. And if you’ve ever……
- How much do you know about horses?[published: May 02, 2023]
Are you an expert when it comes to horses, or a newbie? Let’s find out! No matter what score……
- What time of day are you?[published: Nov 24, 2023]
What time of day represents your personality best? Let’s find out! The results are sunrise, sunset,……
- What animal pretty are you?[published: Dec 15, 2023, 2 comments]
If you’ve heard of the animal pretty trend and you’re wondering what kind of animal pretty you are,……
- What color is your aura?[published: Jun 06, 2023]
Ever wonder what color you are? What about what color your aura is? The difference between the color……
- How weird are you?[published: Nov 25, 2023, 1 comment]
Are you weird? Let’s find out!!! I will ask 14 questions, and at the end when you finish the quiz, you will……
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Razzberries's Recent Quiz Comments
"I’m sorry but I can’t take “aggressive, masculine, alpha” seriously"
1 -
"I got Dovewing!"
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"My results are pretty accurate! I got chill, and I completely agree with it"
1 -
"What Is Your Gender Expression?
Your Result: Androgynous 86%You are between masculinity and femininity. If you are nonbinary,…"
1 -
"I got strong, but it doesn’t fit me at all tbh 😭"
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"What is your aesthetic?
Your Result: Gothic 93%
resultBlack is your favorite color and you are fond of witchcraft and…"
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"The first couple of questions are about when you were born, and the rest are just to make sure your result is correct. Thanks for…"
In response to flutefruit:
"I don't get what this has to do with birth month lol"
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"Thanks for letting me know! :)"
In response to Zuri:
"I got fun, but I wouldn't say that really.…"
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"Im midnight!"
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"Razzberries (the one you made this quiz) here. My result is you are fun! What about you?"