What color is your aura?

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Ever wonder what color you are? What about what color your aura is? The difference between the color you are and your aura color is… well they aren’t THAT Different.

Your aura is more like your energy, and how intuitive you are. Your aura might be the same color you are, or different. Nonetheless finding out your aura color is a fun way to get to know yourself!

Created by: Razzberries
  1. What’s your favorite color out of the following?
  2. Are you adventurous?
  3. What’s your zodiac sign? (Part one)
  4. What’s your zodiac sign? Part 2
  5. What’s your favorite kind of music out of the following?
  6. Your favorite school subject?
  7. Are you intuitive?
  8. Your favorite color family?
  9. Did you enjoy this quiz?
  10. It’s making me put one more question

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Quiz topic: What color is my aura?
