Get Well Cards
Thread Topic: Get Well Cards
C1's mother is fighting cancer, and so C1s mother desperately wants them to find a significant other. C1 doesn't believe that its important, until C2 gets moved into the hospital room next to C1's mother.
C1's mother suggest to go give C2 get well Cards, little do they know what lies ahead of them.
interested? -
This looks super cool, mind if I join if it’s still open?
yeah its totally open. what character do you want?
I don't mind, maybe C2?
Other: -
Would C2 have cancer too since they’re in the same ward?
yeah probably, if you would like to change it you can though.
sounds good, i'll make my character after school :)
sounds good
Name: Amelia Walker
Age: (what age range are you thinking?)
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: pan
personality: bubbly and talkative, tries to be kind to everyone, but she has a temper, and doesn’t know when to shut up. She doesn’t like talking about her cancer
bio: pretty average life, she’s semi-popular in school, everything just turned upside down when she got diagnosed
Appearance: dark brown hair that’s thinning as she continues chemotherapy, green eyes, freckles, hook nose. About average height
Other: pet turtle called Bobby -
Age:(not really sure, maybe like early adulthood?)
Gender: Demigirl
Pronouns: she/they
Sexuality: Bisexual
personality: Cool and reserved, sarcastic, loving, and always tries and cracks jokes to lighten the mood.
bio: always at the hospital with her mom, does all her schoolwork there, all the nurses seem to know her, but she still keeps to herself.
Appearance: long black hair that's pin straight and streaked with copper highlights. shes pale and tall. brown eyes, clear skin.
Other: when not doing schoolwork or eating, you'll probably find them sketching. -
don't mind my other acc- I'll try to stay on this one for roleplaying.
alg lol. early adulthood sounds good to me
would you like to start?
another acc that I forgot to log out of sorry lol
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