Gay steampunk roleplay
Thread Topic: Gay steampunk roleplay
Sebastian watched him.
Eventually, all the wires were back to normal. Vincent flipped a few switches.
The gears in Alberts robot brain started turning, but the power switch was still off.
Vincent closed the panel and turned Albert back on.
Albert sat up, glaring at Sebastian before looking back at Vincent.
(gtg if I'm not back in an hour I won't be back for a while)
'Albert, what were you saying about Sebastian betraying me?'
(alg!) -
"Why were you two talking about me?" Sebastian asked before Albert could say anything.
'He got pissed I kissed you, then refused to tell me why. Albert, answer the question.'
Albert was silent, glaring at Sebastian.
Sebastian glared back, mouthing. "if you tell him I will disassemble every scrap of metal in your body" -
Vincent looked between them. His gaze finally settled on Sebastian, voice small. ‘What aren’t you telling me?’
"Nothing!" Sebastian frowned. "I'm an open book!"
'Albert would've have freaked out if that were true.'
Sebastian scoffed. "What do you think I'm hiding from you, then?"
Vincent was quiet for a few moments. He didn't want to say it. 'You tell me.'
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