Gay steampunk roleplay
Thread Topic: Gay steampunk roleplay
'And what if a man who killed your family sends an a--hole you grow attached to, who then steals your most prized invention, and just leaves?'
Sebastian paused. "I make mine bigger and better once they do, so that theirs is old news."
‘That would set you back by a month, at least. What if you fall in love with this person?’
Sebastian frowned. "He's not in love with me."
‘Answer the question.’
Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Then I'd have my own problems on my hands, being in love with a coworker."
‘The only other human you’ve exchanged more than a few words to in, what, five years?’
"Sounds like I need a therapist, then."
‘You wouldn’t think of that, though, assuming you’re Vincent-level mentally unstable.’
"Sounds like you need to get him a therapist, then."
‘Do you really have no shame?’
"He's smart, he'll get another, better idea anyway!"
‘Next year, after his depressive episode and many meltdowns!’
"Again, you need to get him a therapist."
‘Everyone he’s ever loved has either died or betrayed him, of course he needs a therapist!’
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