Gay steampunk roleplay
Thread Topic: Gay steampunk roleplay
"Tell you what?!" Sebastian tried not to have his facial expressions give away, or look at Albert too much.
Vincent looked at Albert. 'Is he hiding something?'
Sebastian gave him another glare before turning back to Vincent. "You're really trusting a robot with human emotions and secrets? I'm right here Vincent, just talk to me!"
'Yes, I trust him! He's programmed to be loyal, with humans you never know!'
"It's practically my job to be loyal to you!" Obviously Sebastian didn't mention that it was the exact opposite.
'Albert, answer the question.'
Albert just nodded. Sebastians' eyes widened. That no good bucket of bolts-
Vincent looked at Sebastian, looking hurt. 'Please just tell me?'
"Fine." Sebastian glared at Albert before looking back at Vincent. "I hate mac n cheese. I told Albert that, and that's why he's been so insistent about making other meals."
Vincent blinked. That didn't seem like such a big bad secret. He looked at Albert for confirmation.
Albert froze for a moment. On one hand Vincent, but on the other hand, it could help him have a reason to eat other meals other than because his robot buddy told him to...
Vincent assumed Albert wouldn't lie to him. He was programmed to prioritize Vincent's health and safety, thoguh. 'Albert?'
Albert just gave a nod. Sebastian smiled. "See? Nothing to worry about."
Vincent glanced between them. He trusted Albert, but still felt like something was wrong. '... Right. If you're sure.'
Sebastian nodded. "I'll be in my room unless you need me."
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