Gay steampunk roleplay
Thread Topic: Gay steampunk roleplay
Sebastian gave a small smile back.
Vincent held him close. ‘I’m tired.’
"Do you want to go in your room?"
‘Yes please. I might go to sleep.’
"Okay." Sebastian stood up, offering his hand.
Vincent took his hand and pulled him out of the room and up the stairs. He flopped down onto his bed.
Sebastian sat down next to him. "Do you want me to go?"
(I'm gonna go for the night, cya) -
‘You can leave when I fall asleep, if you want,’ Vincent mumbled, still holding his hand. -
"Okay." Sebastian let him keep holding his hand.
Vincent shuffled closer. He closed his eyes. After a while, he fell asleep, grip on Sebastian’s hand loosening.
Sebastian kept holding his hand, staring at the ceiling.
Vincent snored lightly.
Sebastian smiled as he watched.
Vincent shifted closer.
Sebastian held him close, trying to relax and fall asleep as well.
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