Gay steampunk roleplay
Thread Topic: Gay steampunk roleplay
Sebastian noticed him staring. "What do you want?"
‘To know everything about you.’
"Oh, uh...." Sebastian trailed off. He suddenly realized how boring of a person he was.
Vincent leaned his head on Sebastian’s shoulder. ‘Do you have a middle name? What’s your family like?’
"My middle name is Lewis, and the only person in my family I talk to is my mom."
‘Why? Does your family suck? Can I call you Lewis from now on?’
"My parents had a nasty divorce when I was little. Don't call me Lewis."
‘So your dad sucks then? Or your other mum, I don’t judge,’ Vincent said.
"My dad sucked, yeah."
‘I’m sure my dad will like you. When he comes back. Do you have siblings?’
"A younger brother, but I haven't seen him in a few years."
‘Why not?’
"We got in a fight a couple years back."
‘What about?’
"He thought I was being a workaholic and didn't care about my dads side of the family, which he's right about."
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