Gay steampunk roleplay
Thread Topic: Gay steampunk roleplay
Sebastian nodded, running up to the second floor.
Vincent kept gathering the parts they needed.
Sebastian grabbed some metal from the room and ran down.
Vincent pulled out a bunch of wires and started tending to the circuit.
Sebastian set the metal down next to him.
(I'm gonna go for the night, cya) -
‘Thanks,’ Vincent said, cleaning the circuit. -
Sebastian watched him.
Vincent didn’t say anything. He grabbed some of the wires and started constructing the insides of Albert.
Sebastian helped out by trimming some of the wires.
Idk s--- about machinery so let’s just pretend they spent a bunch of time on this. Vincent eventually stood up and wiped his hands, it was evening.
Sounds good lol. Sebastian stood up, sighing softly.
‘Well, we made some progress,’ Vincent said, carefully putting the wires on a table and spreading them out.
Sebastian nodded. "Yeah."
Vincent sighed softly, sitting down.
Sebastian pat his head.
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