We made a prequel because we're obsessed with Jester
Thread Topic: We made a prequel because we're obsessed with Jester
'Are you just not hungry?' Caleb asked, worried. He'd noticed that Richard didn't eat all of his meal.
Richard shrugged, looking down.
Caleb sighed. ‘Do you just not like cinnamon rolls? I can get you something else…’
"No, it's fine." Richard mumbled.
‘Then can you please eat?’
Richard took a nibble. "Happy?"
Caleb sighed. ‘Sure.’
Richard set the roll down, still glaring at it.
‘You’re very angry with that roll.’
"It's a stupid roll."
‘I can get you something else.’
"No, it-it's fine." Richard said quickly.
Caleb sighed. ‘Okay.’
Richard took another bite before looking up. "Do you want to go?"
‘If you want to.’
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