why am i so irresponsible??
Thread Topic: why am i so irresponsible??
Adrienne watched Octavia walk off for a moment before packing up their stuff, grabbing their bag and taking the apple as they left the library.
(ts?) -
Octavia walked in early, as usual, and with her least favorite affliction, winter allergies. She sneezed loudly as she sat down and pulled out a small package of tissues. -
Adrienne came in a while after, taking one last sip of their Monster energy drink before taking off the tab and tossing the can. They pocketed the tab and walked over to the table, sitting down. "Sup-"
"it's a miserable day today." Octavia said before snorting loudly. Her nose was red from the constant attack on her sinuses
"s---, you good?" Adrienne asked as they looked over at Octavia, watching them for a moment.
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