why am i so irresponsible??
Thread Topic: why am i so irresponsible??
"Well, I feel unusually bad at it," Adrienne said with a bitter chuckle, crossing her arms over her chest.
(their arms over their chest.**)
"you're not that bad at it. I've seen your math assignments, heck, I grade them in the middle of tutoring you. You're fairly basic at the subject. We can however work more on math rather than your homework today." Octavia said, smiling as she made a mental note of the conversation
"I think I need a break from math, honestly-" Adrienne spoke, chuckling awkwardly.
"that's fair. We'll work on it tomorrow. The homework should be top priority after all." Octavia said, adjusting her sweater as the collar had bunched up in an uncomfortable spot.
"Got it," Adrienne replied with a small smile, nodding.
Octavia smiled before the bell rang, then the people started their march through the halls. "Well, see you later Adrienne." Octavia said, waving before hurrying to her next class, eager to beat the hordes of other students
"See you," Adrienne spoke, watching Octavia walk off for a few moment before turning and heading to their own class with a small smile on their face.
Octavia rushed into her history class and sat down in her comfortable first row spot. She knew it was a bit of a cliche for a nerd to sit there but it was good for the few times she lost her glasses. She took out her notebook from her bag and decided to write a poem. She could almost feel herself disintegrate with the cheesiness.
Adrienne practically stumbled into the library later that day, yawning softly. "f---, I'm exhausted," they mumbled, rubbing their eyes as they walked over to one of the empty tables to wait for Octavia.
Octavia walked into the library later than usual today. It was not on purpose, of course she preferred to be early, but today the hallways were more crowded than she'd like. She always hated pushing through people and for some reason they had accumulated near the library. So she did the only logical thing, and waited until they left.
Adrienne yawned as they laid their head against the table, humming softly as they tried to stay awake.
Octavia sat down at the library table and pulled out her folders. "Is there something going on today? Broken clocks and overcrowding are not usually this bad." Octavia said. She pulled out a small container with pencils and set it on top of the folders
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