Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
"Nope." Jayden kissed him before he could argue.
Chester blushed. He stopped walking and wrapped his arms around his waist, kissing him back.
Jayden placed his arms on Chester's shoulders.
Chester closed his eyes, deepening the kiss.
Jayd eventually pulled away, grinning.
Chester smiled, opening his eyes. ‘I love you.’
"I love you too." Jayden grinned, opening his eyes as well.
Chester kissed his nose.
Jayden snuggled into him. "Now lets get candles."
‘Yeah, let’s do that,’ Chester said happily.
Jayd kissed his cheek before walking.
Chester followed.
Jayden looked around for a candle shop- or just one that sells wax since they usually sell candles too. Eventually he found one.
Chester just followed him around with a lovesick smile.
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