Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden looked at Chester to make sure he was okay, chuckling. "You look like a lost puppy." He teased.
Chester chuckled, walking closer to him. ‘I think you know my kingdom better than I do.’
Jayden chuckled. "I just read the signs, love."
‘Shh,’ Chester said, kissing his nose. 'Just let me be in love with you in peace.’
"But that's no fun~" Jayden teased, grinning.
(aand I gtg, sorry!) -
(Alg, cya!)
‘Why not?’ Chester giggled, rolling his eyes. ‘You should be glad I’m in love with you! We’re boyfriends!’ -
"I didn't say you couldn't love me- just that I wouldn't give you peace for it."
'Why not?!'
"Because that's boring!"
Chester rolled his eyes.
Jayden rolled his eyes back.
Chester chuckled, ruffling his hair.
Jayd whacked his arm away. "No touchies." He chuckled.
‘Why not?’ Chester whined.
"I dunno, I decide!"
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