Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
‘Yes, just the candle, thanks,’ Chester said, smiling and setting them on the counter.
"That'll be 7 dollars." She said with a nervous smile.
‘Alrighty,’ Chester said, fishing some coins out of his wallet and handing them to the cashier.
The cashier took it, handing him some change after. "Have a good day."
‘You too,’ Chester said with a smile, turning away.
Jayden followed him, grabbing the box of candles.
Chester walked out of the store, holding the door open for Jayden.
Jayd walked out, grinning.
Chester smiled back and shut the door after them.
Jayd grabbed his hand again.
Chester let him, intertwining their fingers.
Jayd pulled him close, grinning.
Chester grinned. ‘I love you.’
Jayden grinned. "I love you too."
‘Love you more~’
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