Untitled Romance Roleplay
Thread Topic: Untitled Romance Roleplay
Jayden followed, beaming.
Chester opened the door for him.
Jayd walked in. "Thanks, love."
‘You’re very welcome, darling~’
Jayd kissed his cheek before looking for candles.
Chester grinned.
Jayden grabbed a box of them. "Found some!"
Chester looked over at the box, then back at Jayden. ‘Alright.’
"You have matches, right?"
Chester smiled. He pulled out his wallet from his pocket. ‘I’ll pay. C’mon.’
Jayd smiled. "Thank you."
Chester kissed the side of his head and walked to the counter.
The cashier looked very surprised to see the two of them there. "H-hello sirs. Are you ordering just the candles?
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