Vampire Prince
Thread Topic: Vampire Prince
The candy as filled with a mixture of honey, cinnamon and orange juice that had a texture similar to taffy but thinner. Jack took a candy from the bag and ate it. "They're pretty great. I heard that the human kingdom has a strawberry flavored version of these." Jack said
Mildred ate the rest of her candy, speaking as she chewed. 'Maybe, I haven't had them though.'
"that makes sense. These are supposedly a luxury item. They aren't difficult to make but honey is quite pricey according to everything I know about human economy." Jack said. He didn't realize cinnamon would also be a luxury as a spice.
'Honey is quite hard to get, I think. And cinnamon isn't sold at markets,' Mildred said.
"where else would they sell cinnamon?" Jack asked as he took another candy from the bag.
'I think people with money would get it from merchants travelling by sea,' Mildred said.
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