Heart shaped box
Thread Topic: Heart shaped box
Florence sat down and noticed some dandelions. They were still small yellow flowers. He started picking them and tying the stems together.
Collins crossed her legs and rested her chin in her hand. She watched him curiously.
Once Florence got several dandelions tied together he added some other small, wildflowers such as grape hyacinths, white clovers, and Canada thistles. When it was done he put it on Collins' head. "You're now the flower princess!" Florence declared.
Collins blinked, but let him put it on her head. ‘… okay,’ she said with a grin, carefully bringing her hand up and gently feeling the flower crown on her head, then resting her hands back in her lap. ‘How’d you make that?’
"oh, you just gotta tie the stems together. They're kinda like shoestrings but a little more delicate. You gotta be super careful with 'em." Florence said. He picked some Canadian thistles and demonstrated tying them together.
Collins picked a few dandelions and tried to copy his movements. ‘They’re so fiddly!’ she complained.
"maybe you should try using the henbit dead nettles. They have tougher stems, and they're everywhere!" Florence exclaimed cheerfully
Collins abandoned the dandelions and picked a few henbit nettles. ‘Are these it?’ she asked, holding the flowers up. ‘Also, how do you know so much about plants?’
"those look about right. They look kinda like grass. We used to have an herbologist in the lab. She liked to tell me about plants. She'd bring me some of the ones she found on her way to work. She even let me grow some plants." Florence said proudly. He then picked a henbit and ate it.
Collins watched him curiously. ‘That’s cool,’ she said, cocking her head to the side. After a moment she kept tying the henbits, trying not to break the stems. The flower crown Florence had made kept slipping off her head, so she had to keep pausing and adjusting it.
Florence reached over and used one of his hands to keep the flower crown up. He used another one of his hands to pick a grape hyacinth that he then ate.
‘Thanks,’ Collins said with a short chuckle, continuing to tie the henbits. After a few minutes, she held it up. ‘Finished!’ she said happily.
"yippee!" Florence shouted. He used two of his hands to clap while the other threw handfuls of flowers he picked
Collins laughed. She plopped the crown on Florence’s head.
Florence gasped then he started singing and dancing. "I love flowers!" Florence shouted through mimicked instrumental music.
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