``We are the freaks``
Thread Topic: ``We are the freaks``
'Portal in the boys' bathroom,' Callum said sheepishly, taking a bite from his pie.
“A portal?” Eli asked, skeptical. “I think this joke has gone just a tad bit too far.”
'You asked,' Callum shrugged, figuring he'd be able to convince Eli about it later.
“Well anyways, what’s your favorite color?” Eli asked, eager to know more about Callum.
'Purple. Yours?'
Callum nodded, brushing a blond curl from his face. 'Uh.. Favourite animal?'
“Depends. Real animal is a fox. Fictional animal is a dragon. Or a griffin. Or a phoenix.” Eli said, chuckling a how indecisive they were.
'Ooh,' Callum said, nodding his head. 'Cool. Mine is a praying mantis, or a cat.'
Eli nodded. “Praying Mantis’s are super cool, but I never got over science lessons with them.” They casque, shuddering.
*they said (what was autocorrect thinking for that one?)
'What happened?' asked Callum, who'd given up trying to eat his pie and rested his head in his hand, adapting an interested expression. -
“We had to study why different insects look different from each other, and we had to study them while they were dead, and in a glass case thingy.”
(That might just be an American thing, but good god that traumatized me. I was a very sheltered kid at the time😂) -
(it probably is 😂)
Callum grimanced. 'Jeez,' he said, 'That's just weird.' -
Eli nodded. “So weird, I don’t know a single kid that thought it was a fun lesson. It was just weird and unsettling.” They shuddered again just thinking about it.
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