Alice King's Profile

Alice King
Joined on Dec 7, 2021
Status Level: Experienced
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Alice King's Recent Posts
"Uh Oki well I'm tired I've. Been up since 4 am it's now 6:20 for me. Have a good morning and I'll c y'all laters"
"Also for those of you who take a peek at this I just wanna let y'all know I'm not really active on here much like I used to be back in 2014-..."
"Actually you did 😌"
"Calm down they're just donuts you're gonna give yourself diabetes then have to take insulin just to be able to eat anything without your blo..."
"Hey hru? :3"
"On my way don't worry"
"XD ight then have fun with that. There's a lifetime supply in my basement if you fine it UwU"
"Hello :3"
"Uhhhhhhhhh Oki.... *Throws a box of donuts* just takes these"
"Ugh this is lame"
Alice King's Recent Quiz Comments
"That is dope hell yeah I hope I do get to be a dreggy in my next life"