``We are the freaks``
Thread Topic: ``We are the freaks``
"Oh please. All I'm doing is letting you get a somewhat good grade." Eli whispered, though they were grinning.
Callum smiled. 'Thank you.'
"No problem." They looked over at Callum to see if he'd finished copying it down.
He finished copying Eli's answers and looked up, smiling.
Eli smiled as well, standing up to turn their test in.
Callum did the same.
Their teacher wouldn't grade it until next time, so Eli just sat back down in their chair after turning it in.
Callum sat back in his chair too.
"So.... How's your day been?" Eli asked quietly.
"Well that's good." Eli said, smiling.
'I guess. Yours?' Callum asked them
"It's been good. And what d'you mean 'I guess'?"
'I mean what I say.'
"Well that isn't vague at all." Eli chuckled, but didn't press Callum any more on it.
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