``We are the freaks``
Thread Topic: ``We are the freaks``
"Don't you smirk at me!" Eli whispered, though they were smiling.
Callum chuckled. 'Why?' he whispered back.
"Because.... Uhm... Reasons."
'That's the best reason I've ever heard! I'll stop.'
"Yay!" Eli cheered quietly.
Callum chuckled.
Eli did as well, taking their eyes off the wall to look at Callum.
"Nothing. The wall wasn't that interesting." They said with a chuckle.
'Hey! How dare you speak terribly of the Lord Wall!'
"Sorry Lord Wall!" Eli said, laughing.
(Gtg for a bit) -
Callum chuckled. -
"I forgive you Eli!" Eli said, trying to make their voice lower pitched to pretend like that voice was the wall.
Callum burst into laughter.
'Callum, would you like to share what's so funny?' the teacher snapped.
'No,' Callum replied, still chuckling.
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