``We are the freaks``
Thread Topic: ``We are the freaks``
'Nah. I think you're doing a very good job, jester.'
"Thanks your highness." Eli said with a grin.
Callum smiled and went back to his drawing.
Eli did as well, humming.
'You have an hour to complete the test,' the teacher said. 'Shoot, it's a test,' Callum mumbled.
"Oh no, we're both dead." They said, eyes widening.
Callum huffed and stopped drawing, deciding to at least try and complete it.
The tests got handed to all of them, and Eli looked at a few of the questions, wondering what to answer.
Callum had only been at school for less than a week, and so looked at the test with a blank expression.
(Gtg for a bit!)
Thankfully it was a multiple choice test, and a couple of the questions were relatively easy, so Eli finished pretty quickly. They noticed Callum staring blankly, and motioned to their test, allowing Callum to copy off of them. -
Callum glanced up at them. 'I can't copy you!' he protested in a whisper.
"It's fine!" Eli whispered back. "I don't mind! Half my answers are probably wrong anyways."
Callum sighed. 'Thank you,' he said, starting to copy down their answers. 'You're too good to me.'
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