Thread Topic: honey~
yabba dabba doo-
also idk what timezone you're in, but i'm on est i think? and i'm usually on from around 8-10 in the morning to like, 9-11 pm at night lol
yabba dabba doo
might head out in a sec? idk -
I am sorry my response was so short this time ðŸ˜
How are you? -
xD you're all good!
i'm just chillin, hbu? :) -
Not much, about to head into work!
Listening to music before I go in -
funn u^u
if you don't mind me asking, what timezone are you in?
i was just wondering since i'm not usually on too much during this time since it's kinda late for me lol -
Me personally am heading out for the sleepies
But, I work Sunrise or third shift so my time is wonky
I'll be taking a week off here soon, so hopefully I can be on a little more during the day! -
xD gotcha, i feel that
i'm usually on more in the morning/midday n stuff, unless i have things to do that day-
and now i gtg, gn! -
goodnight divaa
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