Thread Topic: honey~
frrr u^u
lemme make a thread for it :D -
Sounds good!
bro how did i not know someone's made a notebook musical???
yabba dabba doo
guys how do you figure out what type of hair texture you have-
bc ik i have curly hair, but like, it gets oily quickly and gets frizzy easily as well,
and idk what kinda of products i should be using for it- -
my hair type is probably a mix of like, 2c and 3a, with maybe a bit of 3b? idrk tbh lol
but i also desperately want the short rapunzel hair style, please-
i'm literally obsessed with that s---- -
i really wanna have nice curly hair but it's such a f---in' hassle to maintain :'))
i really just wanna, chop my hair off- like so bad :'))
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