``We are the freaks``
Thread Topic: ``We are the freaks``
'Science,' Callum answered, shoving his things in his bag.
Eli sighed, sad that they didn’t have class with Callum. “Well… I’ll see you after class.”
'Yeah,' Callum said, walking to the door.
Eli walked out of the door as well, dodging the huge groups of people as they headed to class
Callum got a bit lost at some point, and rocked up to his science class 5 minutes late.
(Timeskip to after class?) -
After a tough and boring math lesson Eli walked out, heading to his next class which was history. -
Callum left science with a lot of useless facts boggling his mind, looking a little puzzled. He started walking to his history lesson, which he knew where it was because he remembered passing it on the way to English.
Eli noticed Callum walking to history and waved.
“So how was science?” -
'Confusing,' Callum said with a laugh.
“Lemme guess, a bunch of weird facts jammed into your head?”
'Yeah,' Callum chuckled.
“I will never understand how Ms Thompson crams so many facts into poor students heads.”
'I'm not going to remember most of them,' Callum laughed. 'But it gave me some time to find out the next bit of the story.'
“Did you figure out what happens?” Eli asked excitedly.
'I think so,' Callum said as they got to the history classroom.
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