``We are the freaks``
Thread Topic: ``We are the freaks``
Eli laughed along. “You better, it’s hilarious!”
Callum eventually calmed down. 'Well, do you wanna hear another one? Something less silly, maybe?'
Eli nodded. “Yes, you’re a good storyteller.”
'Alright,' he paused a second, then began, 'Once upon a time, was a acrobat and an escaping, who fell in love.' He spoke in a dramatic voice, like a storyteller would. 'Their love for each other was neverending. They had good fortune, a house, fun jobs... But they were sad.'
(*cough*not me using the story from Matilda*cough*) -
Eli’s eyes widened, completely interested in the story. “Why were they sad?” -
'Well, neither of them had any parents or living relatives, so all they wanted was a family. A child.'
Eli grinned as he listened, imagining what was happening in the story.
'To escape their misery, they would perform dangerous stunts in front of an audience of 1000 people every night. One day, they chose the most dangerous fete ever known to humankind. They stood in front of their adoring fans, and announced, "We will be performing, the woman hurling through the air,' he paused for dramatic effect, 'with dynamite in her hair,' pause, 'over sharks and- spikey objects,' pause, 'caught by the man locked in the cage. It is the dangerous fete ever known to man!'
Eli’s jaw dropped as he kept listening.
'The audience were as excited as the couple were. But, when the day arrived, the event was cancelled because... Because...' Callum paused for what seemed like dramatic effect, but his brow furrowed and he looked a bit confused.
“Because what?!” Eli asked, desperate to know what happened.
'Well.... I... I don't know yet,' Callum said thoughtfully. 'I thought it would come to me when I started, but it didn't.'
Eli thought of a couple ideas for what could happen in the story, but figured they were a bit too simple-minded. “Well….. tell me when you find out!”
'I will,' Callum said with a small smile, his brows furrowed a little as he thought. He turned his attention back to the teacher, and the bell rang for the next class.
'Dismissed,' Mrs Whateverhernameis said, the most of the students sprinted to the door. -
“What’s your next class?” Eli asked as they put their stuff in the backpack. “I’ve got Math.”
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