- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:29pm
Thread Topic: Soulmates
XD There's a kid in my science class named Chris Brown.)
Russell swore under his breath. He had to admit it; they looked perfect together. She was beautiful, smooth skin and soft hair. He was handsome, even more so without the glasses. It was perfect, and he hated it. -
He looked to the table where Russell usually sat. He flashed a smirk at him before turning back to the girl in front of him. He opened the box, revealing a silver necklace, music notes hung from it in the middle was a big diamond. It indeed looked expensive. "Ruseen. Would you go to prom with me?" She looked excited and extremely happy. "Yes yes!" She said twice before wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down for a mouth to mouth kiss.
You could hear people cheering in the background. -
Catcalls sounded from Russell's friends, and Mandy smiled. "That's so sweet!" He rolled his eyes. He no longer felt bad. That smirk was enough. "I...I'm done." Russell said, dumping his tray and getting up. "See you later." He winked at Mandy. "Promise?" "Yeah, I promise."
For the rest of break Grant sat with Ruseen's friends. They teased her, so he was laughing most of the time at her reactions. Blah blah blah more periods and school was out again. It was the weekend and Grant didn't have many plans. Ruseen suggested they go out but he avoided it by saying she needed to pick out her dress and get the decorations picked out. Besides, he also needed to pick out a tux and such since prom was next Friday. They said their goodbye and then another kiss happened.
Multiple kisses and cuddles were exchanged throughout the day, ending with a particularly romantic departure. "I can't wait to see your dress." He called, waving one last time before turning around. He was a bit excited to be honest. Not about Mandy. She was nice, sweet, funny, a good friend, but only a friend. Grant, he just. He couldn't seem to stop thinking about him. It was odd...
((Would you mind if I skip it to Thursday?))
Grant was smiling, but when he was further away from the school he gradually sunk in to a frown. He sighed. Ruseen was a good girl in all, but his hear just wasn't in it. He started to feel bad about the fact he was using her to get back at that jerk. When he came home he put his things away. During dinner, he told his family about the girl. They seemed happy about it. His mother was especially eager to help him pick out a tux.
And that's what they did the next day. It took away longer than he thought. But soon enough they found one. A slick white one, with a black collared shirt. They also bought a black Rolex watch to match it. -
Ooh fancy)
Russell, after a long argument, resigned to borrowing one of his older brother's tuxedo's. It bothered him though. Now that he knew Grant was so rich, it made him feel inferior. He didn't want anyone to notice that he was wearing a hand-me-down, especially not to prom. -
After school started back on Monday he felt great, well, asides from the while Russell thing.. But yeah besides that it wasn't bad. Throughout the week he hung out with Ruseen and her friends. Sometimes exchanging a few hugs and kisses. But when Friday continued to come closer, he felt more and more guilt. Now it was Thursday. He wasn't in class that day because he was busy decorating the gym with Ruseen and some more volunteers. So no gym class was today either. The students during that period just hung out in the gym, not in the way to bother people working.
Russell stood off to the side, regarding the decorations and making small talk with some cute girls and funny guys. Mandy wasn't in this class, and Grant was not an option, so he was stuck talking to some of the kids he didn't know as well. It didn't really matter though, it had always been pretty easy for Russell to get along with other people.
Unless they called him Russ. He shuddered at the horrific nickname. For some reason he just found it extremely annoying, and his sisters called him that constantly, only to get on his nerves. He envied the people with no siblings. -
Since her family was wealthy as well, and since her mother was a decorator, she was there as well, helping them. Along with a few from her crew((that rhymes)). When the bell to end this period rang, Grant waved at Russell out of spite. As far as he knew, he already won this dispute.
Through the rest of the day the decorated and finally finished. With the extra help, it actually looked like a scene from the movie. -
Russell looked away from the wave. He just couldn't take it anymore. He left the class, using a nurse's pass. He faked a migraine easily enough and was quickly sent home.
He lay in bed for most of the day, thinking. Just thinking. About Grant, about Mandy, about Red (as he'd begun to call the girl; he really didn't know her name.) Mandy gave him a call soon enough, sounding worried. He reassured her and blew a kiss over the phone, feeling a bit foolish. -
The next day Grant checked out of school after 4th period. Just to get out of school, and prepare for tonight. Ruseen did the same thing. At home he laid in bed for most of the time,feeling terrible about the situation. Maybe he went a LITTLE too far?.. Nah. Russell started it. Especially when he kissed... What's her name. A large knocking was hear on the door. "You should get ready. The party bus is coming soon." Oh yeah, he forgot Ruseen rented one of those. He sighed
The finally got out of bed. He got ready. Last he put in the contacts his father provided him. Then he went down stairs. His father gave him "the talk" then went as far as to slip a condom in his pocket. Not like he was going to do.. That. He rolled his eyes. Grant heard more knocking but from the felt door. He opened it and was greeted by Ruseen. She wore a long white poofy dress that had a black band around the waist, black straps, and a pink flower on the left strap. After a few dumb pictures takin by his mom, they got on the bus. -
Russell's family had seen so many proms that none of them really cared much about Russell's. His younger sisters squealed and giggled when he came down in his tux, and his older brothers made sex jokes, thoroughly confusing the younger ones. Russell ignored all of it of course, heading outside. He'd been waiting for prom for a whole, and after a whole lot of scraping for change he's aged to rent a limo. A small limo, but still a limo.
After a short smooth drive they arrived at Mandy's house. She came out in a bright turquoise dress that hugged her figure. Her bounds curls were arranged on her head and sapphire jewelry completed the look. Russell played his part: charming the parents, enduring the older brother. They left in a bright mood, both eager and nervous. -
On the there were many of Ruseen's friends. And just like the name party bus, there was a party. Conversations, some already drinking, and some making out. It kind of made him uncomfortable for the 20 minute drive to the school. When the bus finally stopped he sighed in relief. Everyone exited. The group of 14 made their way to the gym. When the doors opened they gazed around. It looked really nice.
For now they all sat at one of the tables, talking and such. -
As soon as they'd entered, Mandy had dragged him into a shadowed corner of the room, pressing tightly up against him. Russel raised an eyebrow at her bold actions and gently pushed her away. "What's wrong?" She asked. His eyes were searching for Grant to no avail. "Wha- oh, nothing."
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