Chaiki's Profile

Joined on Apr 11, 2014
Status Level: Novice
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Chaiki's Quizzes
- Cavernclan Trivia[published: Jun 07, 2014, 1 comment]
Cavernclan: The group of wild cats living together underground. It started small, but soon grew into an……
- Warriors Love Story 1[published: May 03, 2014, 1 comment]
Deep in the heart of the forest, a clan of cats dwell. They are Blzaeclan, fierce and loyal cats. Their……
- Which Seasonelle Boy Is Right For You?[published: Apr 12, 2014]
You're working happily in the small branch of a large publishing company, when you're……
Chaiki's Recent Posts
"He sighed and looked at her. "Please stay. Just for a few days." The tabby's head shot up and she leapt to her paws. "WHAT?!""
"She nodded a little reluctantly. "It all felt so real...he was so close..." She shook her head slightly. "It was horrible. But it was just a..."
"She glanced up at him and nodded. "Sorry for waking you up." Her gaze drifted to the windows, seeing that it was still dark out."
""Could've what?" He asked. He didn't sound angry. Firepaw was still passed out on the cushions."
"She slowly untensed in his arms and sighed heavily. "It was were hurt and couldn't do anything to help you...""
"XD) A flash of sadness shone in his eyes. "I'm lonely." He admitted simply."
"Yeah~) He shook his head. "I told you, not an option.""
"She shakily wrapped her arms around him and closed her eyes. She hugged him tightly, making sure he was there and safe."
"He frowned. "Then what can I do to prove it?""
"Back!) Jacob tilted his head. "Hey, it's not like I'm gonna hurt you. I just want some company." He insisted."
"Maria was still asleep beside him, but she looked upset. She shifted and gripped the sheets. She was having another nightmare. "
"It was nothing bad, Rave!)"
"Uh, thanks I guess. Now can I have my account back please?) "Yes thousands, yeah, no I hate water, yes Bearpaw, not usually, "
""I won't, then, don't worry," Maria called after her, trailing after to watch them leave the house for the day."
"Firepaw shook her head. "No, it's okay. Actually kept talking. It'll give me something to focus besides this awful noise...""
Chaiki's Recent Quiz Comments
1 -
"Aw, thanks Joker! X3
(This is Lucky)"1