Thread Topic: alexithymia
New comfort sweater unlocked
Atp I’m tired of hating myself. I don’t have to be perfect at everything. I get good grades and I’m smart and more turned on for my age (according to most adults), I don’t have to be good at sport. I try my hardest to be a good person, not everyone has to like me, because I have people who do
And I’m tired of the people who make fun of me (literally 2 or 3 people) because I can’t throw far and you don’t like me so you s--- talk me on the internet. It’s not me with the problem it’s you and I’m so f---ing tired of it
Watch as I have a mental breakdown about not being perfect later
i actually hate boys so much because wtf
It sucks seeing my parents treat my sister so well when they treated me not that well when I was her age, especially last year too
And yeah I get it but it’s weird because their parenting style has completely changed since she got sick. I was raised with strict parenting and it did s--- for my mental health. My sister is getting her tween and soon her teenage years with gentle parenting and it’s pissing me off how nice they are to her when I would get yelled at if I spoke to them like that -
I got severe anxiety and a “I have to be perfect” mindset because if I didn’t get good grades my parents would go on and on about it like “Alexi got a B in math this year very weird isn’t it they love math don’t you Alexi ” to my family. One day my parents’ strict style, which they’ve treated me with my entire life, magically disappeared and it’s weird because I don’t know what I can and can’t do anymore
This is very recent too but I didn’t notice it until like a month ago when I was really depressed and p---- and they didn’t get mad at me for shutting them out. Specifically my mum, my dad hasn’t changed much except for the fact that he always says yes now. My sister asks for fast food and suddenly we’re allowed fast food after school I don’t get it
Sobbing along to Will Wood in the dark is not a sign of depression chat
Funny how the only people who express interest in dating me are creepy teenage boys in the grades above me
I’m not a good person, I’m barely a person at all, but someday I’ll be perfect and I’ll make up for it all
I think I’m losing my voice
Also I’m so tired of people. I don’t want to talk to people and I don’t want to deal with the people who think it’s funny to make fun of me and I just don’t feel like existing in this stupid society -
Dressing and being cool and differed and “cringe” in anywhere that’s not Melbourne in Australia is genuinely so tiring just because of how 90% of people react to it
I’m tired of being a she/her to everyone. I’m tired of being stuck in this body I don’t feel like it’s mine I’m just living in it. I hate the way I look and the way I talk and I hate my voice and the way people perceive me and I hate being trans but I also hate being a “girl”. I’m tired of waiting for something good to happen or for someone to like me or for things to get better because I just can’t deal with anything I’m so f---ing tired and I hate being me
Ugh I can’t do this anymore
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