Thread Topic: alexithymia
Holy s--- man that's crazy
Idek what to say
We don’t get many cyclones in my area so nobody knows how to handle it lol
We’ve just done a lot of preparations so most likely it’ll just be a storm. Or it’ll keep getting pushed back until it’s just gone, since it was supposed to hit last night but didn’t. -
Brisbane is probably gonna be most affected so hopefully we’ll be fine and won’t lose power tomorrow
It’s SUPPOSED to hit tomorrow morning but honestly it might get pushed back. So if I’m not on tomorrow morning that’s why, just in case -
I genuinely cannot stop picking myself
My skin and any little bumps I find anywhere, my acne and I’ve started pulling hairs out of my arm
I’ve always done this just more lately -
I am alive chat
The cyclone reduced to a category 1 and keeps getting pushed back -
I want to be productive but what do productive people even do
Cyclone is officially not a threat anymore
Imagine cancelling 2 days of school for a cyclone that never affected us lmao -
I hate it when people have to constantly fill every second of silence. Like please just shush you’re overwhelming me
Also they didn’t put enough salt on my maccas fries -
Also judgy people. Kindly mind your business please and thank you
One thing that sucks about having super vivid dreams about your childhood is that I can’t distinguish what actually happened and what didn’t
I have dreams about my parents yelling at me a lot and me messing things up etc etc but I used to get a vivid dreams few and far between of just things that happened so I can’t tell if it’s me combining an actual memory with a dream or if it actually genuinely happened so I have to sit there and go “ok I THINK it didn’t” -
My dreams are just really weird
Every month or two I get a really vivid one of my mum yelling or me messing something up which is probably a sign but I will choose to ignore it for now -
Well now I know why I absolutely need closure and over explain everything
I'm the same way (sorry for intruding lol) I'll tell stories of things my parents will tell me I'm crazy and dreamed because they seemed so real.
Fr lol (and you’re all good, idm talking about the stuff I talk about in here)
And I’ll wake up all panicked and upset because “oh s--- my mother just yelled at me I’m a disappointment and- oh wait nevermind it was just a dream lolz”
I don’t know why my subconscious likes doing that to me but it does and we’re here lol
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