Thread Topic: alexithymia
im not swimming today so i have to be in a class with my 2024 bullies so thats f u n
f--- you Allira, for thinking I’m a bad person for being pissed about trump when HE IS LITERALLY ERASING HISTORY. HE IS DOING WHAT THE NAZIS DID. SAYING IT DOESNT MATTER IS LIKE SAYING 1940s GERMANY DOESNT MATTER
I’m actually so f---ing pissed and yes I will name drop her because she name dropped me on TikTok and I genuinely don’t care anymore. -
Wow I can’t believe I was friends with her. She can stay uneducated and stupid because it’s not my fault
Back in my overthinking era
It’s just ugh some people only reach out when they need to vent. I never talk to some people until they need advice on their love lives and it’s so f---ing annoying because I don’t actually matter to you, you just need advice about your girlfriend because apparently I’m the person to go to despite never having been in a relationship -
It’s like people only want me when they need something and it makes me feel so worthless
I would vent to my irl friends but we’ve only known each other for a couple months I don’t know if serious venting is okay because people say “you can talk to me about anything” but I’ve recently found that most people don’t actually mean that
But I don’t want to vent to my online friends because they have enough s--- going on -
You can vent to me
Yeah I might do that after school probably
i actually f---ing hate school
i have my english teacher telling me "it's really good you can organise your thoguhts into a couple paragraphs, but try to make it longer" and my history teacher telling me "its coherent but try to make it shorter" adfohwqkougoqwiyrf -
why are boys at my school so weird. two boys older than me have asked me out this week then proceeded to harass me when i said no
“You seem quieter lately” people keep saying weird things to me so everyone has lost personality privileges
That was a weird dream
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