Thread Topic: alexithymia
I think you're very pleasant, in fact. forgive me for intruding in your vent thread, we don't really know each other too much, but you're genuinely a nice person.
vacuuming at 7am, putting the bread in the fridge and leaving a dust pile on the corner of the kitchen bench is not c o r r e c t we dont do that here
maybe im like touchy because of the loud vacuuming but the last straw is not putting a garbage bag in the bin and chucking crumbs in there without it like cmon thats not the correct way to exist how do i explain this to everyone in my family -
i bring up cleanliness and the c o r r e c t way to do the dishwasher to my mum and shes like 'yOuRe SuCh A vIrGo" no im just controlling and also a virgo
Most of the shops are like out clean for the cyclone so I’ll be living off baked beans and croissants for the next few days lol
Hopefully our power doesn’t go off so I can still have oats for breakfast -
i dont like people today
this is why i hate group activities
"no we dont need your help"
then they get mad when youre not helping -
im really not in the mood for noise today
if i hear anyone scream again im going to crash out
i have to do theatre this afternoon too ugh -
im so drained today i just dont like people
Wow I was really overwhelmed today
It got so much better with the meds, then a little bad, then better, and now it’s so much worse -
This is supposed to make me less overwhelmed, less depressed, and to stop me from wanting to relapse but I’m getting none of that today
If Peter Dutton wins the next election guess who’s crashing out
At least my entire family despises him but seriously
I don’t feel like growing up without Medicare, trans rights and affordable housing thank you very much -
I’m so anxious for this stupid f---ing cyclone
So now the cyclone is supposed to make landfall tomorrow???? Idek at this point
This might be revealing my location a lil bit but I’m like 90% sure nobody cares enough to find the location of Australian cyclones so uh
It’s supposed to go down to a category 1 according to BOM once it makes landfall and it’ll hit land about midday tomorrow maybe mayhaps but it keeps getting pushed back so we’ll see
So if I just don’t come on tomorrow it’s probably because I’ve lost power and need to save mobile data but we’ll see it’s probably unlikely but just in case guys
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