Thread Topic: alexithymia
At least my mum bought a bunch of my safe foods so I can have fish fingers for dinner
I keep dissociating. I don’t know if that’s what it is but I’ve done a bit of research on what it’s like and I feel that’s the best way to describe it -
I’m probably just faking it
I was way too overstimulated today
Everyone’s taking so many precautions so the cyclone has to be real
I keep bargaining with myself like “I’ll have a bad day today if it means the cyclone won’t come” or “I’ll take losing this over the cyclone coming” -
My anxiety is going into overdrive with this
If the cyclone somehow hits early and I lose all my paintings I’m going to crash out
I stored away my special edition books just in case
It’s probably not even going to be that bad I’m just worried ok
ew i dont like sounds
It’s nice having friends who care about me. I didn’t expect to find some this fast, hopefully it lasts.
It just sucks that most people have a lot of people. Like back up plans and other friends they hang out with. I don’t really have “other” people outside of random acquaintances and online friends -
I’m not really anything without my friends
Don’t get me wrong I love having online friends and random friends I know a lot of random people all over the place but it’s weird not having someone to send you that “you’re amazing” paragraph when you’re venting and it’s weird not having someone just there anymore
I’m nobody’s number one and it’s weird -
I just want to be special to someone yk. I want to be the person someone goes to when they vent. I want to be the person someone talks to when they’ve got nothing to do. I want people to think about me. It’s selfish but having that suddenly taken away and now having fully processed it and accepted it is weird
I wish I could read minds to see what people genuinely think of me. I’m scared everyone secretly hates me and finds me annoying.
I don't think you're annoying
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