"can't the future just wait?"
- Locked due to inactivity on Mar 8, '25 3:54am
Thread Topic: "can't the future just wait?"
imsoclueless Seniorlike, i don't search your f---ing room, do i?? no, so piss off, omg-
imsoclueless Senioridk why it makes me so nervous, just- god, stay out of my f---ing room-
imsoclueless Seniorno one in my family respects my privacy, apparently-
my parents always have to know what i'm doing, my sisters always have to know what i'm doing
this is why i can't have things like gtq and play mc with other ppl who actually wanna be friends with me- -
Damn, that really sucks! You definitely deserve your privacy. It's horrible how some parents do that, like we're mature enough at this point to have our privacy n stuff
imsoclueless Seniorliterally- but it's also the fact they think i'm doing stuff i'm not supposed to ("bad things" basically-)
which, i mean, i have done, but like-
I AM A f---ING HUMAN- i'm gonna make mistakes, and it's not like you're a damn saint!! so fk off and let me make my own mistakes, jesus christ- -
imsoclueless Seniorwell- wasn't my sister but my mom who found the food in my room. ofc it was her. it's always her.
and now i'm a liar and a fatass, g r e a t. -
imsoclueless Seniorcan't wait to move out.
imsoclueless Seniori just don't get why privacy is such a complicated concept for my parents, specifically my mom-
like, ik i'm your daughter, but holy s---, give me some privacy and let me keep things secret, my god- -
imsoclueless Senioryou don't need to know and control every little f---ing thing about my LIFE!!!
you already don't let me have like, any social media, you don't let me have a phone, you don't let me date, and now you're basically going to be controlling what i eat?? like yes, i'm a fatass, ik, but god, give me some leniency- -
I keep food in my room all the time, you’re not a fatass for wanting to eat what you want, I promise
It’s so unfair they’re trying to control everything about your life. I totally get that tho, like parents don’t want you to make the same mistakes they made so they don’t let you make mistakes :’(
That really sucks dude! Like they can’t do that, it’s just stupid -
imsoclueless Seniorexactly. like, i get why they don't want me to have a phone or have social media (even tho they really should be more lenient with that part >:() and why they don't want me dating (which, ik why (yk the whole "getting pregnant at 15" s---), but like, i don't want to have sex? tbh, kinda scary stuff lmfaoo), but like, srsly, chill tf out-
at least i still have my pop-tarts :') -
imsoclueless Seniori don't think she took those-
god, i hope not, i fkin love brown sugar cinnamon pop-tarts T^T
they bring me so much joy lmaoo -
imsoclueless Senioron another note, almost lost all of my rings in the washer and dryer bc i left them in the pocket of my jeans-
still missing one of them, plus i lost my chapstick bc it got all melty and now it's ruined >:(
i have more, but the vanilla one was my fav lol -
imsoclueless Seniorooh, now i can try the, what is it, the mango one?
i hope that one will be good :) -
imsoclueless Seniorauditions always make me anxious, more specifically the lead up to it :')
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