"can't the future just wait?"
- Locked due to inactivity on Mar 8, '25 3:54am
Thread Topic: "can't the future just wait?"
imsoclueless Senioroverwhelming myself, working myself to the damn bone because i don't know how to f---ing prioritize my s---. i should've taken my meds, but it makes me lose my appetite and just feel like crap all together...
imsoclueless Seniori'm srsly so pissed off, mostly at myself...
imsoclueless Seniori want to ask for help, but i'd just feel bad and like more of a failure than i already am. plus both my parents are at work rn so i'm home alone, suffering.
imsoclueless Seniori'm just a f---ing failure, i guess.
as hard as i try, i can't do my work and get it done on time and get my grades up-
i hate school sm. -
Hey, don’t think like that. You are not a failure. School is hard for everyone, even people with good grades. Is it your parents or just yourself that’s putting pressure on you?
imsoclueless Seniori think it's both. i want to do good for them and they want me to do good, but it's just so f---ing hard for me sometimes. idek why, but it is...
i just want to zone out and get stuck in my thoughts, but i can't bc i have to do my WORk- -
I get that. But them and yourself should understand that you’re working as hard as you can. School is really stressful, but just pick out the subjects that are important to you and you somewhat enjoy and try and get that work done, before moving on to the classes you don’t like? Or maybe the other way around if it motivates you.
imsoclueless Seniorrn i'm tryna get done with these dumb f---ing chem tests that really don't f---ing matter bc my teacher doesn't grade them, but they have to be done bc i have a notebook check and she needs to see i did them
then i have a project for english where i have to make a slide show, which probably won't be too hard, but starting projects are always so f---ing hard for me. then i have a packet i have to fill out, tho i may be able to turn that in next week-
it's just so much sometimes... -
I totally get that. It’s crap because we’re graded so hard on a majority on things of which we won’t even need
Try and get the easiest one done first, then keep moving. And you don’t have to do it all now, too, you can spread it out across the time you get it at the due date if that helps?
I’m really sorry it’s making you feel overwhelmed. Don’t feel guilty about taking a break, too. -
imsoclueless Seniori do have to do it all bc unfortunately, i procrastinated all of it and it's due tomorrow. so it's kind of my own fault. and i have youth group that i really have having to miss out on, so i have to rush to get most of it done before then. i have abt 4 hours till i have to leave, then abt an hour or so afterwards to work.
i should be able to get it all done, but who knows. -
Oh damn, that really sucks dude. Hopefully you can get it done. But like I said before, don’t feel bad about taking breaks and I’m always here if you need to talk :)
imsoclueless Seniorty :')
i'll try n not overwhelm myself too much
i'm just trying my best to get the chem thing done, bc it's probably the most annoying thing-
knocking it out first would help for sure lol -
Lol good. Wishing you all the best ✌
imsoclueless Seniorty :)
imsoclueless Seniorit kind of hurts when someone you like tells you to get a grip on your life after you complain abt not having your work done bc you procrastinate and don't take your meds-
idk what to do-
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