"can't the future just wait?"
- Locked due to inactivity on Mar 8, '25 3:54am
Thread Topic: "can't the future just wait?"
imsoclueless Seniori mean, he didn't specifically say "get a grip", but smth along the lines of that. and it still hurt. bc he's not wrong. i'm nearing the end of school n grades matter n s---, but it's just so hard...
imsoclueless Seniori may be falling in love with him- f----
imsoclueless Seniori can't be falling in love, i never get it right :')
i want to love him, but idek if what i'm feeling is love.
nor do i know if he even slightly likes me in a romantic way- -
imsoclueless Seniorand then there's the other guy.
how can a person like two ppl romantically? like, i understand that polyamorous relationships are a thing,
but i'm pretty sure i'm not-
like, how do i tell if i actually have romantic feelings for someone, is what i mean, i think- -
imsoclueless Seniorwords hard lmfaoo
what i mean is i think i like two different guys, but idk if my feelings for each of the guys are romantic or if i actually only like one of them as a friend/brother/whatever -
imsoclueless Seniori'm so tired of emotions, why do they exist??
imsoclueless Seniori think my bsf may like the guy i like?
i'm not completely sure. -
imsoclueless Seniorbut like, it's not like i'll be able to even ask him out.
for one thing, i'm growing up, leaving, gonna have to start adulting soon,
and he's a grade behind me- -
imsoclueless Seniorplus the two of them have known each other for a lot longer than i've known him-
so why do i even try, tbh. -
imsoclueless Seniorit just wouldn't make any sense, honestly.
plus idek if the feelings i have for him are even romantic-
i think i'm scared to have feelings like this for a guy now, -
imsoclueless Seniori'm so tired and stressed from theatre, god-
i really don't want it to end n stuff, but like, i also just, desperately want the shows to be o v e r now :') -
imsoclueless Seniori'm just so over it now, and my director, as much as i love her, is just- god, she's a lot rn...
imsoclueless Seniori need a hug-
no wait, i need someone to cuddle rn :') -
i'm srsly stressing tho, i really wanna be done with school n stuff :')
i really do need a hug :')
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