Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
That's why I attempted...
I couldn't stand being here anymore...
He was the only person that made me feel special...
He said I was his favorite because I always helped take care of him... -
Ever since that day, I don't know why I'm here... I found purpose in helping him recover... I felt useful and needed...
And now I can't stop crying...
Are you alright? I’m here if you need to talk
Now one of my friends are trying to attempt suicide and I can't even help. They laughed it off and then said they were pondering another method. I don't even know how to feel about this.
Try speaking to them. Let them know that if they do go through with it, it will hurt others as well. I’m sorry you’re going through this I know how it feels
I'm just missing my uncle.
I’m sorry, I’m here if you need to talk?
I appreciate it. I think I'll be okay.
Np, Stay safe
I don't feel a little better after that distraction. Just a bit.
I still don't feel like showering, though. Maybe when it gets a little darker. I like showering in the evening because of the atmosphere.
Also, update on my friend: I offered to talk to him, but he didn't want to talk. I asked him to go to the hospital, but he didn't want to go. I feel like I've done everything I can, so I don't know what else to do.
Honestly, it's hard to be friends with someone who rejects all help and makes a joke out of a crisis.
But at the same time, it shows that he's really not okay, mentally, and could use the help...
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