Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I think the thing that makes me feel most likely an adult is paying for school by myself. It's just a weird feeling.
Kids, being an adult is not what you think. Stay young while you can.
I made the Legacy account forgetting I had an Ime account a while back.
Making good decisions is hard sometimes especially since I'm often impulsive.
Sometimes I wonder if anyone actually listens to my rants.
I know some folks lurk. Who doesn't?
I still wonder who all the 16 people were who voted on that poll.
Remember that time when that thing happened?
I never leave my room except to go to work. It takes all of my off days to recharge from interacting. That's also why I don't interact with people often.
The ideal time, actually, for recharging is 3 days unless I'm really depressed.
I'm still really sad when I think about what happened on valentines day a few years back...
I don't like valentines day because something painful always happened, but that year was the worst of all...
I couldn't sleep that night. I missed him so much the next day. I couldn't even get through dinner without crying. It destroyed me. Sometimes I still think I'll hear from him again, even though he's gone. And when I visit, I don't recognize the room because his bed isn't there anymore. It just hurts. That night happened so fast.
What makes it worse is that I had a dream a week before that he died. Then it happened.
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