Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I'll go shower. Don't do anything cool while I'm gone, world.
Si,duchate por el bien mundial JAJAJA
Well, I should've known. It's not like I also told the world not to do anything strange while I was gone.
World, the heck is this? -
It's a pretty pfp color though.
Anyways, no talking other languages in my thread if I'm not currently doing so, okay?
It's rude. -
Wait a mimbut. I needs whater.
Idk how I'm feeling about the random person in my thread, world.
Dummie thicc
they said "yes, take a shower for the good of the world" if your okay with some context, also that's good, keep hydrating.
Oh. Thank you.
Will do. -
I think it's time for dinner, but it's something early for me. I'm not used to eating this early. This stinks.
All eated.
Now that we've taken our meds, it's time to be cute.
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