Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
I don't want to.
I'm too anxious to sleep.
All I can do is not look at the clock and let my body fall asleep when it falls asleep.
This sucks.
So now we have this for when we can't tell who's fronting or when it's multiple people.
I did a good job at work today.
I wonder if people think I'm weird.
They probably do. It's okay, tho.
I ate an entire bowl of ramen. I think i might be better now.
Help. I have bumps on my face that stay inflamed. What should I do?
I just slapped a glob of deep cleanser on it. I'm going to leave it there for a while to see if it helps.
I was going to post a link, but i forgot what of.
Well, whenever I remember what I was doing...
I should probably check my face, but i don't want to right now. I want to leave it on longer in hopes that it'll actually dry the thing out.
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