lnfinite's Profile
Joined on Oct 25, 2022
Status Level: Experienced
Level-up Progress:
2-Year Club
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lnfinite's Recent Posts
"The level of disgust..."
"I just find my own things to do when I don't fit in..."
"I wanted to spend time with my fiancé... We're here, but I'm lonely..."
"I hope so...."
"Maybe they'd finally get rid of me..."
"I wonder if they'd ever let me out again if I went..."
"Is it learnable?... Do you earn it?... inherited?..."
"How can I learn to be good enough?..."
"It doesn't matter, though... I kind of just want to lay here and die..."
"Once again, I failed to ask when, and no time was given...."
"I sees..."
"The f--- even is this s---? 😂"
"This does go to the Garden forum, though."
"I mean, if they continue to post in my thread, no..."
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