Harmony's Hideout
Thread Topic: Harmony's Hideout
________~♡~Angel~♡~________Name: Angel
Pronouns: They/them
Favorite color: White
Favorite music: None
Favorite song: None
Likes: Angel/cute/pastel aesthetics, friends, white noise, asmr
Alter Type: Frequent fronter/fragment
______~♡~About Me~♡~______
I don't have a solid personality because I'm a fragment influenced by several alters. I have some baseline of individual likes and interests, but more are added or removed based off of how many alters are attempting to front. There is a question of whether or not I'll develop into a separate alter since I do have individuality in some areas such as emotion and mannerisms, but for now, I am still considered a fragment since I'm still developing.
_______~♡~The End~♡~_______ -
It looks like a restaurant menu.
I really want to sleep now.
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