Ripper's Edge
Thread Topic: Ripper's Edge
Not much going on with me.
that's not always a bad thing
some peace and quiet can do good for your mental health -
Sometimes, but it's usually then when I have all the time in the world for trauma to flood my mind.
that's a mood. usually if i can clear my mind with meditation, some incense or candles, maybe tea, it really helps
can't have bad stuff on the mind if there's nothing on your mind at all
True. Silence just isn't my friend. It's neutral. Sometimes great, sometimes not so much, even though it leans towards not so much.
exactly, it's all about how you interpret it that can make it good or bad
Sometimes, it's just easier to see it as one way, though, instead of the other.
sometimes i can sound almost omniscient, other times im too sad to even sit up
that's just how it be -
I get that.
I utterly hate myself for all that we feel we need.
I keep saying "babysit myself", and what happens? I still wanna be noticed. Still wanna be cared about...
I hate that I feel I need this, especially when I know it's clear it's not for me to have. -
s---. Wrong thread...
um, maybe page-push, now??? -
I give.😞
Nope. Can't do it. -
I can't try to be happier.
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