Spoon's Profile


Joined on Jul 25, 2015
Status Level: Advanced

Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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Spoon's Recent Posts

  • i can't fall asleep
    "sounds like a fun weekend hello herr"
  • i can't fall asleep
    "visiting family. you?"
  • i can't fall asleep
    "oh lol no problem its no worries i do too"
  • i can't fall asleep
    "i cant tell if thats sarcastic or not but thank you confusing but im glad you're kinda better than you've ever been"
  • i can't fall asleep
    "ive been better, but i wont bore you with details hbu? howve you been?"
  • i can't fall asleep
    "been a minute"
  • "i just wish i didnt still love you."
  • "i understand that but i removed you on everything and deleted all the photos i have. you asked me to leave you alone and i shouldnt have mes..."
  • "i mean of course im gonna be insecure, i told you about my insecurities and you usually shrugged them off. i have insecurities for a reason ..."
  • "im not starting problems with you, im just trying to figure things out. i ways tried my hardest to put you first and make sure you were happ..."
  • "so she just stopped loving me. but she couldnt tell me that herself. or even break up with me on a call. she had to wait until after she sto..."
  • "at least give me a real reason. dont f---ing treat me like a villian just because i wanted to know why."
  • "i cant believe it actually happened its so surreal i thought she loved me"
  • "just goes to show that you cant trust anyone and a pronise ring doesnt mean s---"
  • "thats not love. f--- you, that was wrong and you know it. over text, not even so much as a voice message or video. and seriously? youd rathe..."

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